Welcome to SykkelNorge.no
SykkelNorge.no was developed by the Norwegian Cyclists’ Association and is Norway’s first map solution/tour planner with quality-assured cycle routes throughout the country. Our aim is to bring together the whole of Norway into one «cycling kingdom», so that you can easily find the trip that best suits you and your travelling companions.
The site is continually updated with new mapped cycling routes, more cycling-friendly accommodation, places of interest, bathing spots and good tips for your cycling trip.
You’ll find mapped tours and useful information to ensure that you and your travelling companions have a successful trip. Whether you’re going on a day trip, weekend trip, longer holiday trips or commuting to work, SykkelNorge helps you find the best routes. Many of the routes are certified by the Norwegian Cyclists’ Association with; Star-labelled routes and Green Bicycle Routes. There are also recommended tours from local experts, as well as the National Cycle Routes gathered on the same map.
While families with children may be most concerned that the routes are safe, and as far as possible go on cycle paths or forest roads without car traffic, experienced cyclists can tolerate cycling longer distances on roads with car traffic if it provides great nature experiences. This is important information for planning a successful cycling trip.
The work of adding more great tours will be ongoing. The work is formidable, and in order to cover the whole of Norway with mapped tours and good information, we need your help. If you have a favourite tour that you would like to share with us, or would like to contribute in some other way, we would greatly appreciate you getting in touch.
Send an e-mail to ola@syklistforeningen.no