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Green Bicycle Routes, Oslo: Gjettum - Ankerveien - Fossum - Røa

Nature, fields and meadows through Bærum.
  • Area Sandvika
  • Distance 11.6 km
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Terrain Climbing

Start: Gjettum station
End: Røa

Challenges: Some sections with a bit of rough gravel and a couple of uphill sections
Car traffic: Little
Type of bicycle that can be used: Hybrid, trail bike
Special considerations: Pay attention to pedestrians on hiking trails.

Alternative to

A much safer alternative than Griniveien/Bærumsveien


Connects Røa with Kolsås/Avløs/Gjettum, a «real» green route with forests and cultural landscapes. There are long car-free stretches and you cycle through the Kolsås – Dælivann Landscape Conservation Area. You pass fields, meadows, forests and golf courses.