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Foto: Jonas Ingstad

Spydeberg station-Spydeberg vicarage - DGL 24

Spydeberg Prestegård is full of history and worth a visit on two wheels - especially during the summer months when the Prestegård's formal garden blooms full of different plants and is open on weekends. From Spydeberg station, follow the Union Trail southwards all the way to the entrance to Prestegården.
  • Area Spydeberg
  • Distance 4.1 km
  • Difficulty Casual
  • Terrain Climbing
Criteria Stjerner
Traffic safety
Ascent per day stage
Signage and marking
Tourist infrastructure per day stage
Scenic quality
Experience/offer per day stage
Public transport connections
E-bike friendliness

The route is safe and runs southwards along Unionleden. The first section is on a pavement, before entering a separate cycle path. The vicarage is open for light refreshments at weekends. An excellent hiking destination on a good weather day for those who want to spend a few quiet hours in pleasant surroundings.