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Turveien ved Akersborg terrasse

Green cycle routes, Oslo: Nydalen - Majorstuen ("Green route")

A surprisingly lush and green route that connects Akerselva and Majorstuen.
  • Area Oslo
  • Distance 4.2 km
  • Difficulty Casual
  • Terrain Flat

Start: Nydalen underground station.
End: Slemdalsveien at Majorstua station.

Challenges: NB. Both cyclists and pedestrians must give way to the tram at the pedestrian crossing in Sognsveien.
Car traffic: Crossing of three fairly busy roads via pedestrian crossings, at Maridalsveien, Uelands gate and Sognsveien.
Type of bicycle that can be used: All.
Special considerations: The footpaths both along Akerselva and around Voldsløkka are used by many. Cycling takes place on pedestrians’ terms.
Winter ploughing: From Nydalen to Uelands gate.

Alternative to

This route is a great alternative to: Ring 2, Ring 3.


This is part of what was originally called the «Green Route» from Sinsen to Skøyen in Oslo. Apart from a short uphill section from Akerselva, it is flat and easy to cycle. The route passes through a mix of green areas, sports facilities, residential neighbourhoods and forests. There are no cars on the route behind Ullevål Hospital. The last part of the route runs on pavements in city streets towards Majorstua.

For those who want to continue cycling…

The nearest hiking trail in green surroundings is in Frognerparken, about 500 metres further west. If you cycle in the opposite direction, it’s easy to extend the trip up Akerselva towards the field, or down towards Sagene and the city centre.

Here you can join a tour of the route. Click and drag to look around.

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