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Rett vest for Veitvet skole sykler man gjennom en park med diverse skulpturer og lekeapparater

Green Bicycle Routes, Oslo: Veitvet - Vollebekk - Økern

An attractive, car-free and surprisingly peaceful route through large green areas between Østre Aker vei and Grorudbanen.
  • Area Oslo
  • Distance 3.7 km
  • Difficulty Casual
  • Terrain Rolling

Start: Veitvetveien, approximately 250 metres north of Østre Aker vei.
End: Økern underground station.

Challenges: Semi-steep downhill and uphill at Linderud artificial turf pitch.
Car traffic: Only crossing one medium-traffic road (Brobekkveien) and two low-traffic roads.
Type of bicycle that can be used: All.
Special considerations: None.
Winter ploughing: Yes.

Alternative to

This route is a great alternative to: Rv4, Østre Aker vei, Kalbakkveien.


An attractive, car-free and surprisingly peaceful route through large green areas between Østre Aker vei and Grorudbanen. Be aware that good tarmac means that some people cycle fast here to and from work. If you want a more family-friendly ride, with fewer fast cyclists, you should take the route at weekends. If you cycle in the opposite direction, from Økern, the route can serve as a good start to a trip into Lillomarka.

For those who want to continue cycling…

This route can easily be linked to the Green Cycle Route from Økern, which you can take either towards Tøyen or Bjerke.

Here you can join a tour of the route. Click and drag to look around.

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